2020-06-22 10:03:52 +02:00

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Unbuntu 20.04 encrypt ZFS install

initial boot and ssh

Boot the Ubuntu 20.04 Desktop installer/live CD.
Click the “Try Ubuntu” button.
launch a terminal.

set a passwd to root to permit remote ssh

$ sudo su
## passwd
New password :
Retype new passord :
passwd: password updated successfully

Install ssh to simplfy configuration edit.

## apt install ssh

Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config to Enable PermitRootLogin change prohibit-password to yes like bellow.

#PermitRootLogin prohibit-password
PermitRootLogin yes
service ssh restart

find yout IP with : ip a

then connect remotely with : ssh

update zsys-setup to enable zfs encyption on rpool

bpool remain unencrypt.

Search for “zpool create”, and make sure you have found the create command that has “rpool” on the last line. Before the “zpool create” insert: echo MYPASSWORD | Before the last line of the command insert these lines:

-O recordsize=1M \
-O encryption=aes-256-gcm \
-O keylocation=prompt \
-O keyformat=passphrase \


you may be interrested if you are on a laptop in : add right fit swap for laptop hibernation during ubuntu 20.04 full ZFS install

start installation

Run ubiquity to start the installer and install as normal, selecting “Use entire disk” and the option to use ZFS.